Got the winter blues? Here is my top 10 list of girlie pick me ups. The little things that always make me feel better instantly.
1. I paint my nails red.
That always gives me a little boost and brings out my inner vixen. ;-) It's hard not to feel sexy and feminine with ten little scarlet jewels on my fingers. My secret is a silky base coat and quick dry top coat topped with Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Speed Dry Drops for good measure.
2. I wash my hair. Not just a quick wash & condition while showering, I really take my time with this one. Deep conditioning mask, oil treatment the works. Healthy bouncy sexy hair... need I say more?
3. I give myself a home facial. I start by steaming my face to get the all the hidden yuck out of my pores, then I scrub all the dead skin off that the steam softened. I scrub my lips as well for soft plump kissable lips. After I wash the scrub off, I mix up a home made face mask. Here are some
great recipes for home made face masks. I finish it all off with healthy portion of moisturiser and lip conditioner.
4. The trusty foot bath. This is sooo relaxing. Some warm water, foot scrub and then rub. Mmmm...
5. A nice looooong bath or shower, including a full body scrub and some sweet body lotion or oil afterwards.
6. I cook a great meal and have my girls over for dinner. Quality time with friends and family really makes me happy.
7. I play my favourite songs and have a little sing along if possible. Yeah I sound a little "alley cat" (...okay, I sound a lot "alley cat"), but who cares, this always makes me feel better.
8. Salsa! Put on some salsa music and shake my bonbon in my living room. ;-) (It's great for cleaning the house too!)
9. Clean out my make up case or tackle some other small task that's been nagging in the back of my mind for a while. That small feeling of accomplishment can be a big mood booster!
10. Say "I love you" to some special. Or if that's not possible, I just think of all the reasons why I love them and it always puts a smile on my face.
Feeling good is so essential to looking good. It's important to take time out to take care of your self, show yourself some love, lift your spirits, put a smile your face. A smile is after all your best accessory, don't you think?